Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Poetry Corner

Welcome!  We are sharing a few poems from the author of Not for Pew Warmers, Tom Green.

I’m Calling God

I’m calling God on 911
With an emergency
The church is filled with sleeping people
Who’ve chosen not to see
The world around is growing dark
The lights that shine are few
To a carnal voice we seem to hark
God, Your fire must renew
Oh burn Your love into our lives
And wash away my sin
Show us the power You can give
If we’ll just let You in
Let Jesus walk upon the land
Using your hands and feet
It’s time for you to take a stand
For soon the Lord you’ll meet
Revival time is coming
An earthquake is very near
Hear the beat of the Spirit’s drumming
The call to march is here
  - Tom Green
Copyright © September 2001
Originally written 6-8 years prior

America’s Shame

America’s Shame
Parades upon her streets
We seek to blame
Why we see such defeat
Of values that for long we held
Too easily thrown away
We think that it’s the way to meld
Society now more frayed
The glue that should be binding
The truth we once revered
We hide from its reminding
In darkness we now steer
Rushing not to offend
We offend who really matters
His grace we overspend
Soon peace He brings will shatter
He’ll let us have our way
Though it leads but to death
We’ll be our own self’s prey
To draw but bitter breath
In a land we think devoid of truth
Just opinions that we hold
To reject the God we knew in youth
Worth more than all our gold
  - Tom Green
Copyright © May 1995

Who Will Choose

There’ve been written many verses
About God’s best and what the worst is
Heaven’s doorway out of hell
To God’s eternal wealth
Never trust in what you do
But only in God’s grace toward you
Treasures come and then they go
When ill fated winds shall blow
Earthly gold can be so fleeting
A lesson yet that bears repeating
Sanctuaries built to us
In which we often put our trust
Built of bricks and cedar wood
In our suburban neighborhoods
On our recliners we’re enthroned
A compact kingdom of our own
We barely know who lives next door
What, we wonder, is love for
If not to serve our selfish need
Within our kingdom built on greed
If God should strip our wealth away
Who, my friend, would watch and pray
If ours becomes a humbled land
Who would choose to show love’s hand
  - Tom Green

Copyright © May 2000