Tuesday, August 13, 2019

New Book: extreme longevity, dinos, Darwin and YOU

My new book is out!

You can use the "Look Inside" feature for the Kindle version:

1) Deep Time Versus History                          
2) Ike Likes Maps                           
3) Evidence for a Youthful World
4) Planet Have Your Say              
5) The Magnificent Seven            
6) Darwin Lied - Science Died               
7) Is Evolution Wrong?                  
8) Evolution is Depressing            
9) It's Kind of Essential                 
10)  Renaissance of Catastrophism     
11) The Day the Earth Trembled
12) Dragons are Dinos                           
13) Straight out of the Solar System                                 
14) What Difference Does it Make?      

Is a Young Earth Possible? argues for a youthful world from history and science.  In the 1970’s, Australian doctors Robin Warren and Barry Marshall proposed that the bacteria Helicobacter pylori caused ulcers.  It took two decades before their conclusion was justly recognized by the scientific establishment.  Has Big Science misdated the earth?  Is a Young Earth Possible? relates to a number of key issues in the public square such as climate change, homeschooling, government funding of science, bullying, depression, fake news, net censorship and free speech.

"Not all flesh is the same: People have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds another and fish another."  1 Cor. 15:39