Tuesday, November 26, 2019

2020 New Clear Vision Books (#TrueTruth)

Brian Morley has written Mapping Apologetics which provides a survey of the dominant apologetic approaches.  Morley is professor of Philosophy and Apologetics at The Masters University in Santa Clarita, California (been there 2x).  He is also the cofounder of the Faith and Reason Forum:

Straight out of West Texas and Howard College comes a courageous and strikingly compelling defense of young earth theory.  Assistant Mathematics Professor Jay Hall has written Is a Young Earth Possible? which argues for a youthful world from history and science.  Have the scientific experts misdated the earth?  Hall tackles such diverse topics as Eisenhower and old maps, depression, the Solar System and dinosaurs.  The age-of-the-earth controversy relates to key issues in the public square such as climate change, homeschooling, government funding of science, bullying, depression, fake news, net censorship and free speech (Sacha who?).  You can get the book on Amazon by searching “Young Earth Possible.”

What is Young Earth Science (YES)?  How old is the world?  Are radiometric dating methods reliable?  Is Darwinism substantiated by scientific evidence and valid arguments?  How does the Renaissance of Catastrophism relate to the age of the Earth?  Has plate tectonics occurred more rapidly in the past?  These and other queries are answered in this exciting and fully documented work, YES - Young Earth Science:

Hall & Smith (not to be confused with Hall & Oates ♫) have written a complete topical treatment of Proverbs and James.  They categorize all of the proverbs and all the verses from the book of James.  God’s Wisdom provides the context for wise thinking in its Introduction and Conclusion.  If you are looking for a guided tour through the divine wisdom of Proverbs and James, you will find this volume most helpful:

Sacred Cows in Science applies critical thinking to the absolute authority of "science."  Edward Blick, who has three degrees in Engineering, validates doubts about Darwin and discusses climate change.  Jerry Bergman, who wrote Slaughter of the Dissidents (like EXPELLED), critiques Haeckel's recapitulation theory. George Howe (Ph.D. Plant Physiology) shows how homology is consistent with intelligent design (ID).  Norbert Smith (Ph.D. Zoology, Texas Tech), the editor, describes how wild animals respond to fear.  Dr. Smith appeared on the BBC with alligators.  J. Y. Jones, an ophthalmologist, tackles the issues of animal rights and endangered species.  Charles Imes was the president of Oklahomans for Better Science Education and former director of the Association of Professional Oklahoma Educators.  Mr. Imes comes to grips with the controversies of climate change, abortion and eugenics.  Jay Hall (M.S. Math, 53 hrs. Science) argues for the reality of global catastrophe (recall the film 2012) and the historicity of Noah.  Fritz Ward (degrees in English, American History and Math Education) targets the fundamentalist nature of the global warming  movement.  Denyse O'Leary deals with neuroscience and the reality of the mind. Emanuel Tundrea (Ph.D. Modeling Software Product Lines) is from Romania and writes on the devastation of online pornography.  David Williams, recipient of the No Child Left Behind American Star of Teaching award for the state of Oklahoma in 2006, probes pro-homosexual activism and public schools.  Dennis Jernigan, who has recorded with Natalie Grant, Twila Paris, Ron Kenoly and Rebecca St. James, writes the chapter "No One is Born Gay."  The Lord rescued Jernigan from a homosexual background.

Do you hate Maths? ... you have found the cure.  This 190 page powerhouse includes 39 chapters (3*13) and includes such mind-expanding topics as limits, differentiation, chain rule, Mean Value Theorem (MVT), optimization, integration, Arc Length, Surfaces of Revolution, L’Hopital’s Rule, Hyperbolic Functions, integration by parts, numerical integration, Taylor series, polar coordinates y  mucho mas!  Are you allergic to MathTalk? Here is your solution. Feel the energy of Calculus in your life today‼

This book answers the question that Ben Stein has brought to the attention of today's culture conflict with his film "Expelled" ... Who is the Intelligent Designer?  Can Intelligent Design and Darwin work together?  What is the source of extra-cosmic information?  Can we find any good news along this cosmic odyssey?  Is it true that, "Intelligent Design is Creationism?"

J. V. Fesko (Ph.D., Univ. of Aberdeen) is academic dean and professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Westminster Seminary (Escondido, CA).  Do you know the classical Reformed approach to apologetics?  Read Fesko's tome to get the info on Creation and Scripture.  Believers should always rest on the authority of Scripture but nature speaks truth as well (Job 12:7-12):

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Big Spring, TX - Sanctuary City (for the UnBorn)

Per KBST, 1490 AM - "The Mighty 1490" ...

Big Spring City Council Members urged to make Big Spring a Sanctuary City for the Unborn, 11/12/19 ... During last night’s meeting of the Big Spring City Council, several members of the public took time to urge to council members to make Big Spring a sanctuary city for the unborn.  This would require council members to pass an ordinance that outlaws abortion within the city limits of Big Spring.

Mark Lee Dickson said this at the meeting, “They [Planned Parenthood] kill babies, they prey on the most vulnerable.  I ask that you expedite the passing of this ordinance.”

Dickson of White Oak is the pastor of Sovereign Love Church in Longview.

If you could hear your baby say "I love you Mommy!" would you say "goodbye" to your precious son or daughter?

What about assault and abortion?

Man-on-the-street interviewer Ray Comfort has a super video on this topic:

From the Big Spring Herald:

Support for the ordinance was overwhelming, as half a dozen residents from the standing-room meeting spoke about their personal experiences, moving members of the audience and the Council itself.  When Dickson asked for a show of hands as to how many in attendance supported the ordinance, nearly everyone raised their hand.

In the early 1970's even the funny papers were Pro-Life‼  Have you ever heard of Eggbert?  Just search "Eggbert cartoon."

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Ban the Ads - Ban the Bibles?

Twitter recently decided to ban political ads.  Hmmm ...  Bradley Smith (Institute for Free Speech, Law Prof. @ Capital University) had this to say:

Twitter’s new policy, and [Jack] Dorsey’s explanation for it, demonstrate a muddled understanding of the purpose of speech. ...  By Dorsey’s logic, free speech should be allowed only when it is ineffective. ...  He wants "regulators" to “ensure a level playing field.”  Does that mean limiting the dollars that Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can raise online? Does it require MSNBC and CNN to give equal time to conservative voices? ... A primary reason why the Founders adopted the First Amendment was their recognition that we couldn’t trust government to decide what is “fair.”

You can hear Al Mohler's take on this issue here.

According to Jerry Johnson (NRB), "Silicon Valley does not want conservative talk and Christian talk; they want to push progressive and Leftist values.  It's just the fact."

CBN reports that,

The NRB wants Congress to hold [Mark] Zuckerberg’s feet to the fire over these allegations of censorship.  They say there are five major questions he should answer, including how the social media juggernaut defines “hate speech” and how they respond to comments by Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai, who acknowledged that some social media platforms "routinely block or discriminate against content they don’t like."