Thursday, December 17, 2020

William Tyndale and Socialism

William Tyndale became a Catholic priest in 1521, but learned the true gospel at some later point.  In 1525, he met Martin Luther and completed his translation of the New Testament into English which was illegal at the time.  Tyndale was choked and burned at the stake in 1536 after spending 500 days in a dungeon.  His last words were, "Lord, open the King of England's eyes."  Miles Coverdale continued Tyndale's work and the "Matthew Bible" came out in 1537.  Six copies were put in Old St. Paul's Church where, in front of huge crowds, one after another would publically read until his voice went out!  Tyndale's prayer was answered in short order.


Sir Thomas More wanted nothing more than to see Tyndale burned for his efforts. Tyndale, who spoke eight languages, produced two editions to the New Testament and translated two thirds of the Old Testament into English.  You can learn the details of the Tyndale/More debate here.  From Tyndale's The Obedience Of A Christian Man (1528) we read his attitude towards his persecutors:


Christ is the cause why I love you, why I am ready to do the uttermost of my power for you, and why I pray for you.  And as long as the cause abides, so long lasts the effect: even as it is always day so long as the sun shines.  Do therefore the worst you can to me, take away my goods, take away my good name; yet as long as Christ remains in my heart, so long I love you not a whit less, and so long are you as dear to me as my own soul, and so long am I ready to do you good for your evil, and so long I pray for you with all my heart: for Christ desires it of me, and has deserved it of me.


Now, what's the connection to Socialism?  Socialism leads to Communism which lays down the hammer on Christians ==> Soviet Russia and mainland China today.  Here is an excellent video on the dangers of Socialism. [1]  Will our country become Socialist?  Will serious persecution of Christians become a real thing in the USA?  Will you become a political prisoner within your lifetime?


Consider this timeline chart for Venezuela's downward trod from Free Markets to Socialism:

In the early 1990's Venezuela was quite prosperous.  Now, some Venezuelans are so desperate that they are eating cats and dogs.  Here is a pic of Cuba today:

Who can command things to happen

without the Lord’s permission?

Does not the Most High

send both calamity and good?

Then why should we, mere humans, complain

when we are punished for our sins?

  (Lam. 3:37-39, NLT)




1) There is a positive reference to an LDS document in one spot of the video.  For another view of the teachings of the Elders of Salt Lake see my prior post:


** Special thanks to James White for recently highlighting the life of Tyndale.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Heresy of an Older Planet?

Should believers who need to grow further in their understanding of the Old Earth/New Earth controversy be put up on charges at a heresy trial?  When we look at the basics of the faith, we have a grand heritage to draw from.  Historic creeds, confessions and catechisms.  For example, consider the Apostle's Creed:


I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth;

And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord,

Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,

born of the Virgin Mary,

Suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, dead, and buried.

He descended into hell;

The third day he rose again from the dead;

He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;

From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Ghost;

I believe in the holy catholic church, the communion of saints;

The forgiveness of sin;

The resurrection of the body:

And the life everlasting. Amen.


Note that God's role as Creator is brought forth at the very beginning, but the exact dating of t0 is not provided.


Francis Schaeffer* spoke of the "heart of the Christian faith" and includes three truths: authority of the Bible, Christ's deity and the real meaning of salvation.  He went on to give a positive affirmation of the series of books known as The Fundamentals published from 1910 to 1915 which had such authors as B.B. Warfield & G. Campbell Morgan.[1]  These writings did not set a date for Creation Week.  Instead, they made the case for these Bible basics:


  •   Inspiration of the Bible
  •   Inerrancy of the Scripture
  •   Deity of Christ
  •   Virgin birth of Christ
  •   Substitutionary atonement
  •   Literal resurrection of Jesus
  •   A literal return of Christ


I have documented elsewhere that Schaeffer belongs more so in the camp that take Genesis as true history than those who mix the first two chapter of the Bible with Deep Time.


According to Matt Slick (Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, CARM), "A heretic denies an essential Christian belief and asserts some error in its place."  That of course bring up the query, "What are those key doctrines?"  Matt gives us this list:


  • The Deity of Christ
  • Salvation by Grace
  • The Resurrection of Christ
  • The Gospel
  • Monotheism
  • Jesus is the only way to salvation
  • Jesus' virgin birth
  • Doctrine of the Trinity


Nothing in here about an Earth that's around six millennia old.


Erwin Lutzer (Hitler's Cross) summarizes the Gospel around six key points:


  •   God is holy (Lev. 11:44)
  •   Jesus is God in the flesh (1 Jn. 4:1-3, Heb. 1:8)
  •   Substitutionary Atonement (1 Peter 3:18)
  •   We are sinners by nature & choice (Eph. 2:1)
  •   Salvation is by faith alone (Rom. 3:28)
  •   Assurance of Salvation (1 Jn. 5:11-13).[2]


Although I have a high admiration for Lutzer's writing and radio ministry, I must sadly admit that he does hold to the traditional reading of Genesis as implying a young world:


... the earth was not created in 4004 BC as the study notes in one Bible affirm. Many of us hold to a "young earth," but since the Bible does not tell us when God created the heavens and the earth, we must respect those who believe that the earth is much older than some creationists have believed.[3]


We read this in 2 Peter 2:1, "But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them …"

 Robert Bowman, writing in Orthodoxy and Heresy, tags heresy as “a teaching which directly opposes the essentials of the Christian faith, so that true Christians must divide themselves from those who hold it.”[4]  I would call rejection of a young earth as errant teaching and would label it an Old Earth Fallacy (OEF), but I would not call it heresy.  I am willing to dialog/debate my brothers and sisters in Christ on the age-of-the-earth controversy in order to improve our mutual understanding.  A few months ago I bought a book advocating Deep Time from a Christian view with respect to the Grand Canyon.  I want to represent the other side respectfully.  I have written two book documenting a young earth from history and science:


   Is a Young Earth Possible?

   YES - Young Earth Science


You can find my biblical argument you a recent creation here.

Let me know what you think:




1) Complete Works of Francis Schaeffer by Francis Schaeffer (Crossway, Wheaton, IL, 1982), Vol. 4, p. 349.

2) Who are You to Judge? by Erwin Lutzer (Moody Pub., Chicago, 2002), pp. 69-72.

3) 7 Reasons Why You Can Trust The Bible by Erwin Lutzer (Moody Pub., Chicago, 2015) p. 160.

4) Who are You to Judge? by Erwin Lutzer (Moody Pub., Chicago, 2002), pp. 65, 66.


* we named our son after Francis Schaeffer

Kudos:  special thanks to Justin Derby for the 2nd Lutzer ref.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Bill "Kalam" Craig and the de Molina Revolutionaries

In 2010, I went to an apologetics conference at Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth.  During the banquet I was saddened to hear sympathetic conversation of "middle knowledge" at my table.  William Lane Craig (aka Craig w/ a "K") is one of the prominent advocates of Molinism and middle knowledge (scientia media).  Craig received his Doctorate in Theology from Universität München (Germany) and studied under Wolfhart Pannenberg (Jesus - God and Man).  According to Luis de Molina (d. 1600), God sets up the cosmos, among all the myriad upon myriad of possible worlds, so that given a certain situation, you will make the free choice that the Lord wants you to make.  Almost sounds like the Multiverse escape mechanism to avoid Intelligent Design, doesn't it?  Speaking of ID, I met Bill Dembski at the same meeting!


It seems clear from Scripture, that the King of Kings directs his plans without middle knowledge:


My times are in your hands ... (Ps. 31:15)

I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.  I say, "My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please." (Is. 46:10)

In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will. (Eph. 1:11)


Bruce Ware (God's Lesser Glory) brings up a powerful objection de Molina's insights:


... it is not at all clear how God can know by middle knowledge just what choices free creatures would make in various sets of possible circumstances. Sometimes called the "grounding objection," the problem here is that, since freedom in the libertarian sense is defined as the ability, all things being just what they are, to choose differently, it is impossible to know what decision will be made simply by controlling the circumstances ... nothing grounds God's knowledge of what free creatures would do in various possible sets of circumstances; and hence, God cannot know what middle knowledge advocates claim he knows, that is, what free creatures would do in any and all possible sets of circumstances. [1]


In 1597, the Pope established the Congregatio de Auxiliis which tended toward  condemning Molinism.  In 1611 and again in 1625 a decree prohibited any discussion of middle knowledge.


The Catholic Encyclopedia of 1911 comes down hard on Molinism:


... the Thomists [followers of Aquinas] urge with great emphasis the grave accusation that the Molinists, by their undue exaltation of man's freedom of will, seriously circumscribe and diminish the supremacy of the Creator over His creatures, so that they destroy the efficacy and predominance of grace and make impossible in the hands of God the infallible result of efficacious grace. ... [Molinism] is contrary to the warning of St. Paul, that we must not glory in the work of our salvation as though it were our own (1 Corinthians 4:7), and to his teaching that it is Divine grace which does not only give us the power to act, but "worketh" also in us "to will and to accomplish" (Philippians 2:13); it is contrary also to the constant doctrine of St. Augustine, according to whom our free salutary acts are not our own work, but the work of grace.


Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274) clearly teaches contrary to de Molina:


God wills to manifest his goodness in men, in those whom he predestines in the manner of mercy by sparing them, in those whom he reprobates in the manner of justice by punishing them.  This provides a key to the problem why God chooses some and rejects others…  Why does he choose some to glory while others he rejects?  His so willing is the sole ground.  Augustine says, "Wherefore he draws this one and not that one, seek not to decide if you wish not to err."


If we take the absolutist view of human choice, then as Paul Helm, who has written for the Guardian, points out,


[God] cannot instantiate complete possibilities respecting anyone's free choice. And so, because his middle knowledge of such free choices is necessarily incomplete, he cannot exercise a "no-risk" providential control over his creation via his middle knowledge. [2]


 As Helm says, in Molinism we see our Sustainer orchestrating the affairs of life so that we act in a certain way: "God actualizes those files [viewing God as the Great Programmer] which refer to circumstances which, if the individuals are placed in them, and act freely, they will choose accordance with the end which God desires." [3]

Even Norman Leo Geisler (d. 2019), who I heard speak at the conference referenced above, said "No!" to de Molina:


... either God's knowledge is completely causal, determining all events, or it is determined by these events.  There is no third alternative.  Molinists say that God's knowledge is determined by future free acts.  This sacrifices God as ultimate Cause.  He is determined by events, not Determiner.  This is contrary to the nature of God, for he becomes an epistemological spectator. [4]

Remember the film Altered States with the sensory deprivation tanks?  Now there are "no" circumstances.  Should I go to sleep at 2:34 pm?  I am nearly completely isolated - how will my state of affairs push me toward one choice versus another?


This man was handed over to you by God’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross. (Acts 2:23)


Craig not only has a wrong view of God's Providence, he also seems to imply that Jesus erred when he spoke of the early chapters of Genesis as real history (Pannenberg anyone?).




1) God's Lesser Glory by Bruce Ware (Crossway Books, Wheaton, IL, 2000), p. 40.

2) The Providence of God by Paul Helm (IVP, 1994), p. 61.

3) Ibid., p. 59.

4) Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics by Norman Geisler (Baker Books, Grand Rapids, MI, 1999), p. 494.

#WilliamLaneCraig #Genesis #Molina #Molinism #Providence #Ware #Helm #Aquinas #Choice #Freedom #AlteredStates #IS46_10

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Homeschooling Under Attack

According a recent article in Harvard Magazine with the title "The Risks of Homeschooling," teaching your own children at home is bad news:

Elizabeth Bartholet [Harvard Law School] ... sees risks for children - and society - in homeschooling, and recommends a presumptive ban on the practice.   Homeschooling, she says, not only violates children’s right to a “meaningful education” and their right to be protected from potential child abuse, but may keep them from contributing positively to a democratic society.

Bartholet says that it's, "... important that children grow up exposed to community values, social values, democratic values, ideas about nondiscrimination and tolerance of other people’s viewpoints.”  Does that include Darwin Doubters and would she put Is a Young Earth Possible? which advocates Young Earth Theory Intelligence in the library of her ideal school?  Albert Mohler (Southern Seminary) rightly pinpoints the real significance of this Harvard Mag hit piece:

It's a broadside argument to abolish homeschooling and it also basically recommends a complete transformation of American law and morality to remove parental authority and parental choice as the key issues, determining issues in the education of children and instead in the name of children's rights and with an argument based upon especially international law and precedents, call for homeschooling to be basically abolished ...

Are you looking for an alternative to regular school?  Empower your children's  educational path by checking out unschooling.  Our son is largely self taught and is a musician and audio engineer - he works for a gaming company.

Kerry McDonald lives near Harvard and wrote Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children Outside the Conventional Classroom.  She is a regular Forbes contributor who earned a Master of Education degree in Education Policy from Harvard!  She submitted a letter to Harvard Magazine critical of the article.  She is a longtime Harvard donor, education researcher, and homeschooling mother of four children.  Here is her appearance on Fox confronting this sad attack on the freedom to homeschool.

Kudos to Dr. Bartholet for being brave and joining a discussion and Q&A session with Kerry McDonald (CATO), Milton Gaither (Education Prof., Messiah College) and Neal McCluskey (CATO).  Gaither wrote Homeschooling: An American History which gives the deep background of the home education movement.

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children.  Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.  Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. (Deut. 6:6-9)

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.  Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.  They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck. (Pr. 1:7-9)

#YES #YETI #PopularScience #education #homeschool #SelfTaught #UnSchool #SchoolChoice #IYEP #KerryMcDonald #Proverbs #children 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Scientism and Big Pharma

A recent ad from Pfizer begins with this shocking assertion: "At a time when things are most uncertain, we turn to the most certain thing there is - science."  Now, is that true?

Pfizer should go back to school and read books like Science is a Sacred Cow which came out in 1950.  The author was Anthony Standen (d. 1993) who went to Oxford, studied Chemical Engineering at MIT and was an assistant editor of the Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology.  Standen starts off his work with this:

No one ever doubts what is said by a scientist.  Statesmen, industrialists, ministers of religion, civic leaders, philosophers, all are questioned and criticized, but scientists - never.  Scientists are exalted beings who stand at the very topmost pinnacle of popular prestige ... [1]

Standen goes on to say this, "The idea that science is infallible and beyond criticism, is a delusion, and even a dangerous one.  ... hardly anyone is able to recognize science for what it is, the great Sacred Cow of our time." [2]

Speaking of philosophers, Pfizer should also read Mortimer Adler's Truth in Religion:  The Plurality of Religions and the Unity of Truth (1990).  Mortimer Adler (d. 2001), who wrote the popular How to Read a Book, was the chairman of the board of editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica and was the man behind the Great Books series that came out in the early 1950's.  Adler's conclusion on faith was that truth must lie in one of the three dominant world religions: Judaism, Christianity or Islam. [3]  On Judgment Day the issue will be quite clear.  Although his family background was Jewish, Adler became a committed Christian in 1984 at the age of 82.  Let us follow his example and find the true identity of the Higher Power and worship Him, the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Another excellent work Pfizer should get hold of is Sacred Cows in Science - No Objectivity Allowed edited by Norbert Smith (2011).  This book challenges Deep Time, Darwinism, Materialism, extreme environmentalism and animal rights, climate change and other critical worldview issues.  Musician Dennis Jernigan, and father of nine kids, wrote the chapter "No One is Born Gay."  Jernigan points out how Big Science has changed its mind on the gender controversy:

Until 1973, homosexuality was considered a mental disorder by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) ... after many years of protest by the pro-gay movement ... In 1973, the Board of Trustees of the APA voted to remove homosexuality as a disorder ... and thus began our slide down the slippery slope ... My belief (and experience) and my observance (having personally talked with HUNDREDS of men and women desiring to walk away from unwanted same sex attraction) is that the facts of truth do not bear witness to the current and popular conventional wisdom of this age concerning homosexuality. ... Sex is for procreation ... for making babies.  Of course, man is his wisdom, believes everything is about him and life is all about getting the most pleasure. ... We pervert our desires when we substitute something else to meet that need or when we go outside the boundaries God established for our own good. [4]  

Is true truth decided by a vote?  Let science make your waffle iron - trust Jesus and the Bible for your eternity.

... No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun.  Despite all their efforts to search it out, no one can discover its meaning.  Even if the wise claim they know, they cannot really comprehend it. (Eccl. 8:17)

1) Science is a Sacred Cow by Anthony Standen (E.P. Dutton, NYC, 1950), p. 13.
2) Standen, p. 34.
3) Truth in Religion: The Plurality of Religions and the Unity of Truth by Mortimer Adler (Macmillan, NYC, 1990), p. 108.
4) Sacred Cows in Science ed. by Norbert Smith (Create Space, 2011), p. 332, 333.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

JD Greear, Christianity Today & the Six Day Apocalypse

J.D. Greear is the pastor of The Summit Church in North Carolina and the President of the SBC.  He was recently on an Ask Me Anything (AMA) podcast hosted by Matt Love.  Unfortunately, Greear waffles on the First Six Days:

I know godly, biblically faithful theologians who believe in the inerrancy of the Bible and who think that the timetable of Genesis 1 was not a literal week (which, by the way, isn’t a new interpretation, but is a position that has been around since the first few centuries of Christianity).

He mentions Augustine in the podcast.  Augustine actually held to a young earth.  In general, the Early Church Fathers held to creation in six days and a young earth. [1]

Thankfully, Greear opposes theistic evolution (Theo-Evo).  One wonders if he has read Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique by Moreland and Meyer et al.  One chapter by Christopher Shaw is on "Pressure to Conform Leads to Bias in Science."  I think many preachers are influenced by the culture more that Scripture.

The Summit Church has this on their "Beliefs" page:

We believe the Bible to be God’s Word, a true and fully accurate account of God’s love for us. Its purpose is to teach us how to have a relationship with him, worship him, and bring him glory.Psalm 19:7-10; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; 2 Peter 1:19-21

Is it not loving that the Lord gives us a day of rest?

For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy (Ex. 20:11, cf. Ex. 31:16,17).

Both Muslims and Jews agree that the earth is younger than mainstream science claims.  The traditional Jewish calendar states that Creation Week was 5780 years ago. [2]  Maybe Greear should read Is a Young Earth Possible? to get the deep info that favors a youthful planet.  

Where does the apocalypse come in?  That's the slippery slope - once church leaders compromise on Genesis, this often leads to other errors.  Harold Lindsell was at one time the editor of Christianity Today and died in Laguna Hills in 1998 (I've been there).  His book The Battle for The Bible exposed the trend towards theological liberalism.  Lindsell took a very strong stand for the Historical Adam.   

Who's the editor of Christianity Today now?  Daniel Harrell is, former senior minister at Colonial Church (MN) and before that the pastor of the famous Park Street Church in Boston.  Here's Harrell's conclusion on the creation/evolution controversy:

The Bible says six days, but there's no way that's right unless astrophysics and geology are patently false.  ...The scientific evidence is too strong in evolution's favor to reasonably deny its occurrence.  You can refuse to believe it, but that still won't make it untrue any more than denying God exists proves that he does not exist.

Harrell even wrote a book supporting Darwin - Nature's Witness: How Evolution Can Inspire Faith (2008).  Yet, in a talk in 1992 at Park Street Church, he admitted that evolution can't be proven and went further to say that Darwinism is not strictly science since it can't be disproven either.  Did Harrell's position on origins evolve?  He even mentioned Phillip Johnson, the father of the Intelligent Design (ID) movement in a positive light.  Johnson seems to lean towards the young earth view and has visited the Creation Museum in Kentucky.  Has Harrell done the same?

Now let's look at the theological connection.  Park Street Church has a very streamlined "Statement of Faith" including points on the Father, the Son and the Spirit, the authority of the Scriptures, salvation by grace through faith etc.  In contrast, Colonial Church has "Five Core Values" where we find this ...          

Immerse in Sacred Spaces & Rhythms: There are places, traditions and particular practices of faith and worship wherein we tangibly encounter the holy and living God.  Regular immersion in such places and practices forms and reforms us in line with the good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:1-2).  In these transcendent places and moments, we experience realties larger than ourselves and realize the fullness faith in Christ makes possible.

Jesus surely favored a youthful world ... shouldn't that end the argument (Mk. 10:6, Mk. 13:19, Lk. 11:50,51)?  Please check out for more powerful young earth evidence. 

   >>  for Total truth, support earth's Youth  <<

1) Coming to Grips with Genesis ed. by Terry Mortenson and Thane Ury (Master Books, Green Forest, AR, 2008), pp. 23-51.
2) Is a Young Earth Possible? by Jay Hall (Institute for Catastrophism and Tectonics - iCAT, Big Spring, TX, 2019), p. 339.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Maya Angelou - New Age Prophetess?

Dr. Maya Angelou (d. 2014) was a powerful creative and poet who stood strong for hope and human potential.  You can read my interview with her from 1980 here.  According to IMDB:

Maya Angelou was an American poet, singer, memoirist, and civil rights activist.  She published seven autobiographies, three books of essays, several books of poetry, and is credited with a list of plays, movies, and television shows spanning over 50 years.  She received dozens of awards and more than 50 honorary degrees. ... [she was a] journalist in Egypt and Ghana during the decolonization of Africa. ...  In 1982, she was named the first Reynolds Professor of American Studies at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.  She was active in the Civil Rights Movement and worked with Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. ...  Angelou recited her poem "On the Pulse of Morning" (1993) at the first inauguration of Bill Clinton, making her the first poet to make an inaugural recitation since Robert Frost at the inauguration of John F. Kennedy in 1961.

One might think that she is a fairly traditional believer from this report for the LA Times:

The one-hour documentary follows Angelou’s visit inside San Francisco’s rough Tenderloin district, where she goes inside Glide Memorial Church, which has an ethnically and economically diverse Methodist congregation.  She also briefly attends Mount Zion Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, N.C., which is steeped in a tradition of African-American belief and faith.

Maya had been a member of Glide for around 20 years.  She spoke of her journey:

I have studied everything.  I spent some time with Zen Buddhism and Judaism and I spent some time with Islam.  I am a religious person.  It is my spirit, but I found that I really want to be a Christian.  ... I really believe that Christ made a sacrifice and for those reasons I want to be a Christian. But what kind, I don’t know.

One wonders if this statement of Maya's was a typo? “It’s a wonderful thing to know that there is something to know there is something greater than I am, and that is God itself.”  The true God who made the universe is personal and a Trinity (Mt. 28:19).

In an interview with Oprah, Maya spoke of how she became an adherent to the Unity School of Christianity (Unity) while she was in her 20's.  Unity denies that God is personal; thus, they deny the Trinity.  They reject the substitutionary atonement of Christ on the cross.  Unity accepts reincarnation and based on Mt. 22:42, claims that Jesus was the reincarnation of David. [1]  The teaching that souls return into new bodies flatly contradicts Hebrews 9:27,28:

Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

Eric Barger (Take a Stand Ministries) had this to say about Maya:

So she [Hillary Clinton] has Jean Houston and Marianne Williamson [fmr. presidential candidate] and Maya Angelou pushing New Age spirituality and [Rabbi Michael] Lerner pushing Marxism to her at the same time and mixing these things together.

Let us know what you think:

1) The Kingdom of the Cults by Water Martin (Bethany House, Minneapolis, 1985, rev. ed.), pp.  284-286.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Big Spring - Really Big LIFE

Big Spring, Texas is now a sanctuary city for the unborn as of January 28th, 2020 AD.  Baby-Murder is bad.  I was a witness to the vote for the ordinance which passed 4 to 2.  Councilmember Hartman was not in attendance.  It was such a thrill to see folks stand up and clap as the vote was announced!  To find out more to help make your city safe for babies, go here:

Big Spring now joins these Pro-Life Texas Towns:  Waskom, Naples, Joaquin, Tenaha, Gilmer, Westbrook, Rusk, Colorado City and Gary.  Big Spring is the home of Howard College, a VA hospital, a state hospital, Hotel Settles, a federal prison and a refinery (at one time the largest inland refinery in the USA).  We are not that far from two universities - Texas Tech (Lubbock) and University of Texas - Permian Basin (UTPB, I was there just a few days ago).

One of the key leaders of this effort came outside of the council chambers for a minute.  A group of  Abortionism supporters came over and confronted him, saying things like "You're not a woman!"  I thought this might escalate, but thank the Lord it did not.  There was a police vehicle right in front of the entrance, in addition, two officers came out to help calm the situation.

A news reporter was hanging out with the Abortionism group.  She never asked me my name, nor solicited a comment.  Things that make you go "hmmm."  One lady from the opposition had "Abbey Road" on her jacket  - were any of the ♫Beatles♪ aborted?

Consider Rebekah's experience with Jacob and Esau:

The babies jostled each other within her, and she said, “Why is this happening to me?”  So she went to inquire of the Lord.  The Lord said to her, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated ..." (Gen. 25:22,23)

There was a war within her womb - how does that speak to the humanity of Jacob and Esau? 
Compare this with Luke 1:41,44.  The Greek word for baby is "brephos" (βρέφος) which refers to babies inside or outside the womb.  So, even the Alexander the Great knew that unborn babies are real humans too!

President Trump spoke as the March for Life in DC recently (a first):
Note that Alveda King was by his side.  Alveda is the niece of Martin Luther King Jr.

I was a journalist for a year and had the privilege to interview Maya Angelou (Clinton's poet):

#SC4DU #LIfe #Pro_Life #Trump #MartinLutherKing #Abortionism #Babies #AlexanderTheGreat #MayaAngelou #TrueNews