Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Does Atheism Have a Future?

From Bart Ehrman's blog (2013) we read this ...


I apparently threw a few people for a loop yesterday when I referred to myself as an atheist. ... When I became an agnostic - 17 or 18 years ago? ... I thought that “agnosticism” and “atheism” were two *degrees* of basically the same thing. ...  According to this idea, an agnostic is someone who says that s/he does not *know* whether God exists, and an atheist is someone who makes a definitive statement that God does *not* exist.  Agnostics don’t know and atheists are sure.


This video responding to Ehrman's views is excellent.  I have replied to Ehrman's work here and here.  Some atheists go with the tag "brights," but what does the Real Creator and Author of Truth say?  "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding.  To him belongs eternal praise." (Ps. 111:10).  Does atheism have a future?  I think not:


Therefore God exalted him to the highest place

    and gave him the name that is above every name,

that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,

    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,

    to the glory of God the Father. (Phil. 2:9-11)


I have a few questions for my atheist friends:


  • Why do we yearn for Utopia?
  • If life is hopeless, is suicide an option?
  • Did I create History?
  • Am I the Author of the Universe?
  • Have you read the Bible?
  • What if you're wrong?


What does the non-Theist have to say?  Here are the chapters from the book Atheist Universe by David Mills:

This book has an endorsement from Richard Dawkins and a foreword from Dorion Sagan.  Should we follow our emotions blindly?  Isaac Asimov said, “Emotionally I am an atheist.  I don’t have the evidence to prove that God doesn’t exist, but I so strongly suspect he doesn’t that I don’t want to waste my time.”  But what about the Big Bang?  Sir Hermann Bondi (d. 2005), mathematician and astronomer, said, “… theories of the origin of the Universe have been disproved by present day empirical evidence as have various theories of the origin of the Solar System.”  One specific problem for the Big Bang is known as the "horizon problem" - the universe is not old enough for the heat to be so evenly distributed in the cosmos based on their assumptions. 


Check out our take on Hell here.  Eric Metaxas has written a profound book on miracles.  Metaxas hosts Socrates in the City where Malcolm Gladwell, Dick Cavett, N.T.  Wright and Peter Hitchens have been guests.  Concerning the Fundamentals of the Faith, see here.  To keep up with Intelligent Design, be sure to follow EvolutionNews.org and enjoy the info.  As for America's Christian Heritage, I would point to this book by Gary DeMar.  Also, the work of Wallbuilders is helpful.  I have visited the church that President Washington was a part of.  Consider the truth, turn from atheism and go to Jesus.  Here's a summary of the Good News (Gospel).  Check out this helpful apologetic for Jesus, God and the Bible.


The law from your mouth is more precious to me

than thousands of pieces of silver and gold. (Ps. 119:72)


#MichaelShermer #MalcolmGladwell #DickCavett #NTWright #PeterHitchens #Atheism #God #BigBang #Agnostic #Asimov #Jesus #Gospel #BartEhrman #Apologetics