Sunday, January 7, 2024

The Death of #TRUTH vs. the Berlinski Factor


I recently picked up Comprehensive Guide to Science & Faith (Harvest House).

It's edited by Bill Dembski, Casey Luskin, Joe Holden & has a FWD>> by Stephen "God Hypothesis" Meyer.  Putting "Comprehensive" in the title is very misleading.  The Biblical position of Creation In Six Days #CISD a Global Flood and Young Earth Science (YES) is not fairly represented.  The book pushes ID & is wonky on the Historical Adam.  See here for more on #Adam ...


Phillip "Darwin on Trial" Johnson (d. 2019), the Father of ID, started out with as his main site.  Later in life, he apparently leaned young earth: he visited the Creation Museum (KY) and went on a speaking tour in the UK with Andrew Snelling (Earth's Catastrophic Past).  Read Art Battson's work on the arn site which favors biological essentialism - the real antithesis to evolution:


Sadly, the "Comprehensive Guide" fails to see critical importance of Aristotle's Biology or Biological Essentialism - I wrote a whole book on the topic (400 pages worth).  Oxford University Press has a book with the same title as mine:

My book Biological Essentialism came out in 2021, two years before:


David Berlinski (Ph.D. Philosophy - Princeton) was a postdoctoral fellow in mathematics and molecular biology at Columbia University.  His book Human Nature was endorsed by Victor Davis Hanson, David Galernter and Peter Robinson (Hoover Inst.) among others.  Berlinski highlights the stark contrast between evolution and biological essentialism:


This book ... is unified ... by a common concern for what is an indistinct concept, and that is the concept of human nature. It is a concept severely in disfavor because it suggests that there is something answering to human nature, some collocation of ineliminable and necessary properties that collectively define what it is to be a human being.  There are such properties. … And the fact that there are such properties does involve a commitment to essentialism.  No one disposing of essentialism in biology is disposed to disregard it in logic, mathematics, physics, or ordinary life. Human beings are not indefinitely malleable. There are boundaries beyond which they cannot change. We are not simply apes with larger brains or smaller hands, and the distance between ourselves and our nearest ancestors is what it has always appeared to be, and that is practically infinite. Human beings are perpetually the same, even if in some respects different. [1]


In an interview, Berlinski continues on the theme:


As an intellectual tendency, I would put the percentage of people prepared to deny essentialism at roughly 99.999%. ... Darwinian theory holds to a continua of animal forms which gradually, imperceptively, shade into one another.  The dividing line between the dogs, if you go back and back in time, doesn't end abruptly, it merges into what came before the dogs.  ... That sense of sharp boundaries must necessarily disappear - there is no room in Darwinian theory for the essentialist view of the dog's nature. [2]


Human Nature defends human exceptionalism, I have a whole chapter on that topic in my book:


I also argue in Biological Essentialism that this premise (stasis of Essential Types of Life - ETLs) naturally leads to a Single Global Catastrophe that formed most of the rock record just a few thousand years ago.  Which in turn, favors YES.


In our latest video, we defend #YES & discuss the total solar eclipse, Dawkins, Kyle Mann, Jesus' AGE verses (Mk. 10:6; Mk. 13:19,20; Lk. 11:50,51), The Young Earth, Don McLeroy etc.  Many origins researchers ignore the significance of Young Earth Science (YES), but that's a serious mistake.  I provide evidence from Yandex, Rumble and SwissCows that YES is truly trending:


see also ...

Young Earth Today 2029 (blog article):


On a positive note, the cover of the "Comprehensive Guide" is cool and the number one book I recommend on the proper view of Genesis is mentioned (p. 559).  Coming to Grips with Genesis (Mortenson & Ury):




[1] quoted in Biological Essentialism by Jay L. Hall (True Truth Productions, Big Spring, TX, 2021), pp. 101,102.

[2] Ibid., p. 35.

note: True Truth Productions is now in OKC.


Maths Challenges Evo+Darwin >>



#HumanNature #Berlinski #HistoricalAdam #Genesis #BiologicalEssentialism #BioEss #bio-essentialism #NaturalKinds #SpeciesProblem #cladistics #CISD #ETL #YoungEarthScience #YES #evo #Darwin #God_Hypothesis #HumanExceptionalism #BillDembski #CaseyLuskin #JoeHolden #Gen1to11  #StephenMeyer #comprehensive_def #HarvestHouse #Science_and_Faith

#PeterRobinson #DavidBerlinski #DavidGelernter #TrueTruth #TotalYouth