YES, that
was a provocative title, but what are the biblical roles for men and women in
marriage and the church? A good crowd from our church went to the Abilene
Theology Conference (TX) recently where this was the topic. Bruce Ware (God's Lesser Glory) was the speaker.
Foundations for Manhood and Womanhood (ed. by Wayne Grudem) has chapters by Dr. Ware. One review of the book states:
These writers explore key issues, including the interchangeability of male-female roles, the meaning of submission, and the historical novelty of egalitarian interpretations of Scripture. This book will demonstrate how some views of manhood and womanhood tamper with our understanding of God’s character and why the extremes of male domination and feminism destroy the beauty of our sexual differences-differences that celebrate the excellence of men and women as God created us.
If you are
not familiar with the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, be sure to
check it out and learn more about the Danvers and Nashville statements.
Ryan Anderson
(Heritage Foundation) has written When
Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment. The book takes on the transgender movement relative
to psychology, philosophy, biology & public policy.
helpful book is God and the TransgenderDebate by Andrew Walker (Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission) which
deals with questions like:
Can someone be transgender and Christian?
Should I mind if people who are biologically the other sex are in my restroom?
Is it true that Christian teaching is harmful and can lead to depression and higher suicide rates?
What was my
question to Dr. Ware? "Young Earth
or Old Earth & why?" Plz. get
your copy of Is a Young Earth Possible?
right away! Here are some talks from the
2018 Abilene Theology Conference.
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