Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Ryrie, Rad Poetry and the Global Flood

>> Ryrie, rad poetry and the #GlobalFlood <<

Charles Caldwell Ryrie (d. 2-16-16) was a Professor of Systematic Theology and dean of doctoral studies at Dallas Theological Seminary #DTS

Ryrie's Study Bible has sold around 2.6M copies:



Ryrie's notes on Noah are a gem (download pdf):



Some try to combine Genesis and evolution, but this approach, as Ryrie rightly indicates, "... discredits the authority of Jesus Christ, for he accepted the account of the creation of Adam and Eve (Matt. 19:4; Mark 10:6) and the historicity of the Flood (Matt. 24:38; Luke 17:27). If His words cannot be trusted in these particulars, how can anyone be sure they can be trusted in other matters?"

("The Bible and Evolution," p. 67)



Mark 10:6 clearly points to a youthful planet: "But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female’" (Gen. 1:27).  Matthew 24:37-39 compares the Flood to the Second Coming of Christ.  Jesus' return will not be a localized event, neither was the Flood.  Writing in Bibliotheca Sacra, Ryrie stated,


While it is not the purpose of this discussion to investigate all the possibilities in the interpretation of the creation account in Genesis, it is germane to point out some of its salient features. ... the results of the flood and their effect on the world [not just the Middle East] as we see it today must be a part of anyone's total picture of creation.

("The Bible and Evolution," pp. 76,77)


Sounds like a #GlobalFlood to me.  Once you accept a Universal Deluge, Young Earth Science #YES is not far away!  I have written two books defending a youthful world from #History & #Science

Is a Young Earth Possible?  ★★★★½


YES - Young Earth Science  ★★★★



Consider some of Ryrie's book recommendations (from his notes):


Davidheiser, Evolution and Christian Faith

Wilder Smith, Man's Origin, Man's Destiny

Writings of Morris and Whitcomb (e.g. The Early Earth)



Bolton Davidheiser held to a Global Flood, A.E Wilder-Smith favored a Young Earth while Henry Morris and John Whitcomb wrote the seminal work on the Genesis Flood:



Bolton Davidheiser (d. 2007) went to Johns Hopkins University where he earned a Ph.D. in Zoology with an emphasis in Genetics.  After delving deeper into the "evidence" for Darwinism he became a #Creationista

His classic Evolution and Christian Faith has a foreword written by ... you guessed it - Charles Ryrie!  Bro Bolton wisely proclaimed way back in 1969 that,


The apostle Peter in his second epistle (II Peter 3:3-6) wrote about scoffers in the last days who would reject the promise of the Lord's return, presenting as evidence their observation that "since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation." This is a description of uniformitarianism, and Peter mentions specifically that these people would willfully disregard the Scriptural account of the flood which destroyed the life that was upon the earth. Whitcomb and Morris, in The Genesis Flood, discuss fourteen geological phenomena which the uniformitarian principle [as understood by Lyell] is inadequate to explain. The concept of "flood geology," whereby much of the geological history of the earth is explained as being due to the flood of the time of Noah, is a matter of ridicule to the men of science, but it is the belief of this writer that Whitcomb and Morris have written a book which marks the beginning of the time when this must be considered seriously from a scientific standpoint. ...

The Science Editor of Newsweek reported in the issue of December 23, 1963, that geologists at a recent meeting of The American Geological Society "were advising the rehabilitation of catastrophism," but added that this would be "without recourse to a supernatural agent." ... The editor comments that catastrophism is "a fighting word among geologists. It is a theory based on divine intervention." Why should geologists become so upset because some people believe God intervened in nature? ... To them catastrophism and teleology are fighting words. This attitude is unscientific and it seems to be part of a larger conspiracy aimed at the denial of a personal God, and particularly at discounting the atonement of Christ. [1]

What do Ben Carson (who I met in Midland, TX some years ago) and Davidheiser have in common?  They both went to Johns Hopkins and they both opposed evolution.  Ben Carson vs. Francis Collins (& Darwin):



My heart goes out to poor old Noah

Feeding leopards, watching boa,

Reassuring a hippo mother

Keeping his charges from eating each otter.

For having started 2 by 2

1 by 1 would be too few

No wonder he seethed in helpless rage

After all that time in an animal cage.

  -- CC Ryrie


Noah's Flood was a real worldwide cataclysm ... just take it from the Jubalaires ♫



History of the English Bible - Charles Ryrie (vid):


Bolton Davidheiser's books >>



Davidheiser's response to Hugh Ross:



Ryrie's rare Bible collection brought $7.3M at auction at Sotheby’s - New York in 2016:




1) Evolution and Christian Faith by Bolton Davidheiser (Presbyterian and Reformed, 1969), pp. 287,288.


#History #EnglishBible #CharlesRyrie #BoltonDavidheiser #God #Jesus #Bible #Boa  #BB6640 #BenCarson #FrancisCollins #evolution #Darwin #Darwinism #Noah #Flood #GlobalFlood #Deluge #ArkEncounter #ARK #KY #Arky #Caldwell #ID #Pomez #poetry #TooB_Orknot ==> #The_Q ?? #Auction $7.3M #Got_Bibles ?? #NT #HolyBible #CC_Ryrie ♫ #Hangry_Hippo #Sotheby $$ #JohnsHopkins #Genesis #mph160 #CATastrophism #CAT #teleology #TeaLeaf_ology ☺ #Newsweek #Geology #GenesisFlood #TwoPeter3 #Zoology #Genetics #DallasTheologicalSeminary #DTS #AE_WilderSmith #ThreeDocs (count 'em) #EarlyEarth #ChristianFaith ╬ #Presby #Reformed #Five_SOLAs #HughRoss #CC_pizzza ? #Creationista