Thursday, June 27, 2013

Young Earth Science (YES)

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YES as shorthand for Young Earth Science is on the rise.  We use many TLA’s (3 letter acronyms) every day:
If you google “Young Earth Science” you get 690K hits.  Change the search to: YES "young earth" geology catastrophism, and you obtain 244K items.
Our recent blog highlighted the pro-YES website of Bob Enyart who has interviewed such notables as Lawrence Krauss (The Physics of Star Trek) and Jack Horner (Jurassic Park).  There is a site dedicated to “students and teachers who recognize the overwhelming scientific evidence supporting the history of a Young Earth …”  Jeannie Fulbright is a homeschool science author.  She has a web page titled “young-earth-science” where she states, “… there is scientific evidence for a young earth … which is often mentioned throughout our science course narratives. [1]  The Puritan Board also has a YES discussion page.  Reasons to Affirm a Young Earth by Paul Humber supports YES:  “… there is good scientific evidence that the earth is less than ten thousand years old. …[it can be] shown that scientific data supports the [young] age of the earth…”  Cambridge University Press published The New Catastrophism by Derek Ager, former President of the British Geological Association, in 1995.  Ager shows that most rock formations were formed rapidly and not over millions of years.  There is even a facebook page:  which proclaims that, “More and more scientific evidence is mounting suggesting the earth is much younger than [mainstream] scientists have thought.”  Are “likers” of Old Earth Fallacies (OEF) following a ritual when they reject YES?

Beyond the gates of OEF delirium we can awaken to the true evidence for YES.  In Lake Walensee (Switzerland) over 300 layers formed in 160 years. [2]  Roger Patterson, who has studied bias in high school science textbooks, states,

The layer known as the Navajo Sandstone contains minerals that were eroded from the Appalachian Mountains. … The Tapeats Sandstone contains large boulders and was deposited in storm conditions over an immense area of North America.  The Redwall Limestone extends from the Southwest to Pennsylvania and Tennessee – obviously deposited as the result of a massive catastrophe. [3]
An amazing dating anomaly involves the volcanic ash layer nearby where Richard Leakey found Skull 1470 had been dated at 212M to 230M years by the K-Ar method. [4]  This age, of course, was rejected because of PreSuppositions regarding human origins.  Kata Tjuta (i.e. Olgas) in central Australia is an exhibit for YES:  “Even evolutionary geologists admit that the large boulders in the layers of Kata Tjuta must have been deposited relatively quickly by a torrent of water” Patterson explains. [5]  YES deniers are on a vicious roundabout when they refuse to get off the OEF train and explore geochronology options.
Darwiniacs are going for the Billions, but the hard facts lead to YES.  At Ramshorn Peak in Montana there is a polystrate tree that is 34 feet tall! [6] 
Polystrate fossils indicate rapid deposition.  The lack of fulgurites (lightning glass) points to YES. [7]  There is a clear deviation of the expected geologic age versus the radiometric date for many samples: [8]
The dashed line represents equality which does not match the general trend of the data.  Clearly there are problems with the dating methods.  The Samarium-Neodymium dating method has undergone a drastic revision.  According to Physics Today, the half-life went from 103M to 68M years.  Does this indicate some fatal flaws in the PreSuppositions of radioactive dating?  University of Washington research concludes that most harmful protein-coding human mutations arose in the past 5,000 to 10,000 years.  Could this be because humans have only been around that long?  Certain moon rocks have remnant magnetism which runs contrary to a moon that’s allegedly billions of years old. [9]  The sun is almost a perfect sphere – if it were as old as assumed it should have flattened out somewhat. [10]
Award winning scifi author and former aeronautical engineer James Hogan points out that, “Nuclear tracks on interplanetary dust particles collected in the Earth’s stratosphere also indicate an age no greater than ten thousand years.” [11]  Hogan is truly close to the edge of YES.  Even anti-YES writer Ronald Bailey admits, “… modern [mainstream] geologists do acknowledge that there have been essentially global catastrophes in the past.  The extreme volcanism of the Siberian Traps nearly wiped out all life at the end of the Permian period 251 million years ago …”

There is an eye-opening chapter in Sacred Cows in Science edited by Norbert Smith (Ph.D. Zoology, Texas Tech) on Global Catastrophe. [12]  If most of the Geologic Column was deposited in one event, then OEF collapses.  Of the hundreds of flood legends throughout the world it is evident that the account of the Great Flood in Genesis is the most accurate.

Why have so many adopted OEF?  Charles Lyell’s Principles of Geology (pub. 1830) brainwashed generations of geologist into gradualism.  Writing in Science, W. D. Allmon said that Lyell’s teachings led to “… the rejection of sudden or catastrophic events in the face of positive evidence for them, for no reason other than they were not gradual.” [13]  J. Harlan Bretz (d. 1981) views about the catastrophic origin of the Channeled Scablands were rejected for 40 years because of the bias towards gradualism. [14]  If the OEF fans refuse to join the YES cohort, they will truly become the owners of a lonely heart.  YES we can!  From OEF to YES – it can happen today!  Just say “YES.”    

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end” (Eccl. 3:11).
How old is the Earth?  Is Darwinism valid?  How does the Renaissance of Catastrophism relate to the age of the world?  Is your favorite planet thousands or billions of years old?  Discover the shocking evidence in this powerful new book, YES – Young Earth Science by Jay Hall (at 
Here are some cool Zazzle items on Young Earth Science (YES):

1) emphasis added.
2) Evolution Exposed:  Earth Science by Roger Patterson (Answers in Genesis, Hebron, KY, 2008), pp. 101, 102.
3) Ibid., p. 130.
4) Ibid., p. 133.
5) Ibid., p. 138.
6) “Upright Petrified Trees of Ramshorn Peak, Montana” by Arthur Manning (CRSQ, Vol. 49, No. 3, Winter 2013), pp. 230-235.
7) “A Survey of Lightning” by Don DeYoung (CRSQ, Vol. 49, No. 4, Spring 2013), pp. 284, 285.
8) “Critics of RATE Overlook Its Results” by Russell Humphreys (CRSQ, Vol. 49, No. 4, Spring 2013, letter), p. 321.
9) “Lunar Upsets Challenge Paradigms” by David Coppedge (Creation Matters, Vol. 17, No. 2, Mar/Apr 2012), p. 9.
10) “Sun, moon and stars in the news” by David Coppedge (Creation Matters, Vol. 17, No. 4, Jul/Aug 2012), p. 9.
11) Kicking the Sacred Cow by James Hogan (Baen, Riverdale, NY, 2004), p. 207 (emphasis added).
12) “Global Catastrophe and the Historicity of Noah” by Jay Hall in Sacred Cows in Science ed. by Norbert Smith (CreateSpace, 2011), pp. 193-202.
13) quoted in “Thor’s Hammer” by Kevin Anderson (CRSQ, Vol. 49, No. 4, Spring 2013), p. 261.
14) “The Revolution of Creationism” by David Shormann (Creation Matters, Vol. 17, No. 6, Nov./Dec. 2012), p. 3.

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