Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Intelligent Design (ID) implies Young Earth Science (YES)

Harvard grad Phillip E. Johnson was the law clerk for Chief Justice Earl Warren and taught law for 30 years at UC Berkeley.  Johnson is most known for being the father of Intelligent Design (ID).  Access Research Network (ARN) was Phillip Johnson’s recommended site: [1]
The new Executive Director for ARN is Art Battson (as of 1-1-15).  Dennis Wagner was the prior leader.  Amazingly, Battson’s views support the stability of Essential Types of Life (ETL’s).
A snazzy new book YES – Young Earth Science has a whole chapter on the stasis of ETL’s.  Essentialism has a long history - Aristotle easily observed that wolves reproduce wolves and rabbits make more rabbits.  Given eon’s a sheep will never turn into a shepherd

Even is Darwin’s day all scientists were not convinced.  Sir Charles Wyville Thomson (FRS, d. 1882), chief scientist on the Challenger expedition which revolutionized oceanography, rejected the “theory which refers the evolution of species to extreme variation guided only by natural selection.” [2]

YES – Young Earth Science shows that stasis of ETL’s, Catastrophism and a Young Earth are connected.  Thus, Intelligent Design implies Young Earth Science (YES).  There are numerous data which favors YES.  Phillip Johnson is clearly YES friendly.

1)  Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds by Phillip Johnson (IVP, Downers Grove, IL, 1997), p. 11.
2)  quoted in “Counting Sheep Since Jacob’s Day” by Brian Thomas, Acts & Facts, Feb. 2014, p. 15.

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