Here are some items referenced in the review:
Explicit GospelFaith, Form and Time (Kurt Wise studied w/ SJ Gould)
Raymond Damadian (MRI)
Creationist Rick Smalley – Nobel Prize
Jonas Brothers support 2013 National School Choice Week
Darwin’s Dilemma (Cambrian Explosion)
Evolution – Fossil Challenge (Gish)
Darwin’s Enigma (5 Natural History Museums)
Unshackled Apologetics
Mere Apologetics - McGrath
Faith has Its Reasons - Boa
Persuaded by the Evidence – Sharp & Bergman
Modern Science in the Bible (Hobrink)
Coming to Grips with Genesis
Thousands not Billions (book & video)
Regret the Error and Wrong (don’t trust the experts or the NYT)
Biblical Chronology and Y6K (6,000 years)
Earth’s Rotation Speed
Crevo (creation-evolution) survey
A Beautiful Mind (John Nash, Nobel Laureate)